Adams Family Pages

a portal for the Adams family

Support the Mountain!

Our family now has a convenient way to support the Beersheba Springs community; Anita and Tom Adams Sr. created the Sue Howell and A. G. Adams Jr Family Legacy Fund.

This fund is a great way to support the Beersheba Springs Medical Clinic, the Rescue Squad, and other worthy local causes.

Contributing to the Legacy Fund

To make a contribution, make a gift to the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, earmarking the donation to be added to the Sue Howell and A. G. Adams Jr Family Legacy Fund.    To donate online, use this online donation form.

Donors -- Yes, That Includes You

Donations from our extended family allow us all to serve the Beersheba community. Here's what Bryant had to say about the need:

While there's a lot to love about our summer escape, the Beersheba Springs community is struggling.   Before the pandemic hit, Grundy County claimed a title you never want: The Worst Place to Live in TN.   It's also the poorest county in all of Tennessee.   Depending which stats you look at, a quarter up to a third of the Grundy County population live below the poverty line.   The government calculates it as an income of $26,000... for FOUR PEOPLE... for A YEAR.   Imagine trying to survive on that amount.

The Legacy Fund Committee

Oversight of the Legacy Fund is performed by a committee; each branch is to designate a representative on the committee.    The committee then chooses amongst themselves the two persons who will serve as the donor advisers.    These two advisers are the points of contact with the Community Foundation, and make the requests for grants to be executed by the Community Foundation.

Members of the Legacy Fund Committee:

 Branch   Name
 Lep   Rosie Yakob (adviser)
 Morton   Will McMillin
 Marion   George Oswalt
 Howell   Bryant Adams (adviser)
 David   Trip Adams
 Alfred   Hollis Adams
 Elliott   Emilyn Adams Ropp

When and How Grants are Made

The Legacy Fund document referenced above has specific instructions to address the timing and dollar amounts of grants; the intent is to gradually grow the Legacy Fund while also continuing to make grants to the community.

If you have suggestions or comments on how to encourage donations, or have information on a worthy cause that should be considered for a grant, please direct them to someone on the committee.

Details on the fund. (this is an unsigned version; need to get the executed copy)

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Maintained by John R. Adams.